
Austrian Gold and Silver Separating Plant Ltd
Liesinger-Flur-Gasse 4
1230 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 866 46
Fax: +43 1 866 46-4324

Companies Register Court: Commercial Court of Vienna | Companies Register Number: FN 152705t | Head Office: Vienna
DUNS Number for Liesing: 303 327 050

Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce

UID: ATU42887809
ARA Licence No.: 13037

Bank Account Details: 
Erste Bank d. österr. Sparkassen AG
IBAN: AT17 2010 0600 1246 1500. BIC: GIBAATWG.
Raiffeisenlandesbank NÖ-Wien
IBAN: AT41 3200 0000 0700 0029. BIC: RLNWATWW.
UniCredit Bank Austria
IBAN: AT09 1200 0006 5002 6305. BIC: BKAUATWW.
IBAN: AT31 6000 0000 0718 1764. BIC: BAWAATWW.

Marcus Fasching – With individual power of representation

Authorised Joint Signatories:
Gerald König
DI Günter Macsek
Dr Alexander Sekanina
Reinhard Walz
– With power of representation together with the CEO or another authorised joint signatory.

Photos: Ögussa, Fotolia, iStock, Fotostudio Huger

Design and Technical Implementation:

Linguistic Clarity for All: Use of the Masculine Form

In our texts we predominantly use the masculine form for names and terminology. This is done for reasons of easier readability and in no way represents gender discrimination. The reference is, of course, always to all genders equally. We value and respect the diversity of our readership and wish to ensure that our information is understandable and accessible for all. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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